Saturday, July 28, 2018


I am no doctor.  I don't pretend to be one.  I don't even play one on television.  What I'm about to write and explain is just my way of dealing with what is going on and not necessarily a recommendation to anyone else in our situation.

I've been reading everything I can find... EVERYTHING about oral fibrosarcoma.  There is not a lot out there, sadly.  There's more for injection site fibrosarcoma but not for oral cases.  I have read mostly that cats do not handle the reconstruction well, which I've already written about.  It reaffirms my believe that it is unfair of me to put her through something like that.  Especially considering it's her upper jaw.

Most of what I find explains antibiotics when infection starts, prednisone to lessen the swelling and while I cannot recall the name right at this moment there is a Chinese medicine, used for battle wounds during the Vietnam War (and interesting side tidbit of information I learned) that can help control bleeding.  Thankfully, we have not gotten to the point where we need any of those three things.

Prednisone definitely has it's place and I'm not knocking it when used for the right reasons.  My reservations though is that it brings down immunity.  Her ability to fight things is obviously already compromised or we wouldn't be where we are today.  Tessi has always had a weak immune system and is easily stressed.  I can only see steroids helping her tumor to grow faster.  I could be wrong.  When the time comes to consider using it, I will most definitely discuss my concerns with our veterinarian.

In the meantime....  after much research, phone calls, emails and discussions with folks who have taken this route...  we have started on CBD Oil.

I ordered it.  I received it.   Then I decided I didn't dare use it.  ….until I looked in her mouth after not looking for several days.  The cancer is red and mean and angry.  Fuck  you, cancer!  CBD oil it is.

My hope using it is that it will help with the pain.  I'm not good at explaining how it works but it has to do with pain receptors being blocked.

I found the tumor because she wasn't eating well and knew something must be wrong, so I was also happy to read it helps with appetite.

CBD Oil does not make her high.  The THC content is very low.  I could write a whole blog on the difference between hemp and marijuana, what is the same, what is different, how it's used.  For a girl who has never even tried a joint, I suddenly know more than I ever thought I'd know about cannabis.  Life ending diagnoses whether for you yourself or one you love causes you to look at things you'd never considered before.

After a little over a week on CBD oil....  she's not hiding like she had been.  She comes out for meals and not only shows up first...

….she stands at the front of the line voicing her distain for how slow the staff is moving in preparation for dinner...

Not only does she eat her own.....

She cleans ALL the bowls for me!

So, as far as comfort and feedings go, we're happy here at the Florentino House.  She's eating well, she's out more.  She purrs, she cuddles, she talks to the birds.  I'm getting my headbutts again.

Life is good.  One day at a time.

Hugs and Purrs,


  1. I fully believe in the use of CBD oil. I would rather give it to my children than a Tylenol. (I haven’t yet, nor do I own any.) I have used it for migraines before and it is much better than dealing with the Sadie effects of medicine. It is sad there is such a stigma behind it. I think this is a wonderful post!

    1. Thanks for the post, Roxanne. I really was afraid to use it, but now I'm so thankful I did. I've read so much lately about how it can help children with epilepsy. Even though I don't believe it is "magic" or will rid Tessi of her cancer, there have been cases where tumors have shrunk. Considering it is safe to use, the whole "do no harm" approach to me is worth a shot. It's too bad that in some states doctors and veterinarians cannot recommend such things without fear of reprimand by some boards.



Something was brought to my attention today by a dear friend and I thought I should clarify my post, or posts... or heck, the whole darn blo...